Italian style bar & bistro. Italian chef serves authentic traditiona Italian food home-made using Italian ingredients. More: our chef offers a range of fusion food based on the tastes and flavours of Italy itself.

A true piece of Italy in Spain where meet the same warm welcome and atmosphere, and portions too, you can meet only going to Italy. Also because we offer those italian foods no-one else in Benidorm knows about. which is why we are the true italian crew.

Every recipe is freshly prepared, nothing from a packet or the freezer. Here you can have lovely amazing meals, an attentive and friendly service.


“Un angolo italiano a Benidorm ”

“Da non perdere assolutamente”



“molto buono”

  Bistro' Venexia Calle De La Palma 30 Benidorm
03501 Alicante

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Segnala un’eccellenza Se conosci un’attività che reputi eccellente, puoi segnalarcela e fare in modo che ottenga il giusto riconoscimento
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